Aged Care Employee Day 2023

We caught up with our Lifestyle Assistant, David, and asked him what he loves most about working in aged care and at Burpengary Manor.

On this special occasion of Aged Care Employee Day, we celebrate Australia’s residential, home and community aged care workers. This year’s theme #ThanksForCaring recognises everyone involved in caring for older Australians. This year, we asked our wonderful Lifestyle Assistant, David Bolch, to share his aged care journey and what working at Burpengary Manor means to him.

Why did you want to pursue a career in aged care?

I chose to work in aged care because I like to help and be around people. I feel I have compassion and empathy as I enjoy caring for others. I was looking for a secure job that had flexibility in hours and places of work.

What do you like most about your role and working at Burpengary Manor?

It is rewarding to spend quality time with the residents, it feels really good to make a positive difference in someone's life and know that you're making them happy and comfortable. It is very rewarding when the residents say ‘Thank you’ after they have attended an activity, or after you have spent some one-on-one time with them. The residents are very grateful.

What is most challenging about working in aged care?

One of the toughest things about working in aged care is when you become really close to some of the residents, because when they come in you get to introduce yourself and when you get to know them you form a ‘bond’ and a ‘friendship’. I do find it challenging when a resident has been in the facility for a few years, and they pass. It is hard to see the other residents who had formed a friendship upset.

What is a special memory you have from working at Burpengary Manor?

When one of the residents constantly comes for a walk to the activity room looking for me, all she wants to do is have a chat and spend time with me. By ‘time’ I mean to say banter. When the resident comes to activities, the resident prefers to sit with me, as we have formed a nice friendship.

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