Reduce, reuse, recycle. Repeat.

On World Environment Day, Leisure and Lifestyle Coordinator, Gay Furness, talks to us about her passion for being an environmental warrior and how she incorporates sustainable practices into her lifestyle program at the home.

With our planet slowly choking on plastic, it is important that we acknowledge the sustainable efforts at Burpengary Manor in light of World Environment Day on Monday 5 June 2023.

Leisure and Lifestyle Coordinator, Gay Furness, has been an environmental warrior her whole life in order to live sustainably for our planet. Gay says that ‘Having shorter showers, turning the tap off during teeth brushing, and placing plants outside when it rains,’ are some of the small things she implements daily to ensure environmental sustainability.

Gay says that her drive to live sustainably is driven to ‘protect the environment and to aid in protecting natural resources’ and ‘Totry to make sure our planet continues to function for us and future generations’.

As the Lifestyle Coordinator at Burpengary Manor, Gay explains that she incorporates small habits to help residents be environmentally sustainable too. ‘We recycle milk bottle tops which we use as counters when playing bingo as well as yoghurt containers and ice cream container lids which are used in painting, as mixing plates and water containers’ says Gay. ‘We re-purpose as many disposable items to use in craft at avoid excess waste.’

Our home also donates blankets to refugees and the homeless. Any worn out old sheets are used as drop sheets when maintenance repaints a room and the men's group use them as a table cover so that the home is constantly reusing supplies.

Gay mentions that there has been a suggestion from one of the residents to purchase a couple of recycle bins, so that there will be one in the café and one in the staff room, for staff, family and residents to recycle soft drink cans and water bottles. We can then take the bins to the recycle facility, Cash for Cans, where some of the residents can feed the cans into the machine. They will then get a receipt from the machine to give to the recycle company staff who will give them the cash in return. The cash we receive in return will be put towards purchasing supplies for our leisure and lifestyle activities.

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