Celebrating our Nurses this International Nurses Day

Celebrating the compassionate, caring, and dedicated work by our wonderful nurses this International Nurses Day.

Every year on 12 May, we take a moment to recognise and celebrate the wonderful work our caring and compassionate nurses on International Nurses Day.

Burpengary Manor Aged Care’s Clinical Nurse, Tabi Stanton, joined the team in February 2021 and shares with us what inspired her to enter nursing and what she loves most about working at the home.

Why did you choose to do nursing as your chosen career?

Truthfully, I never wanted to be a nurse. I always wanted to become a neurologist. I started my nursing degree in 2010, preparing to switch into medicine. I got a job as a carer in aged care for experience, and never left. I fell in love with aged care nursing and am about to hit my 14-year milestone. I loved it so much that I also started my masters degree specialising in palliative care.

What do you enjoy most about working as a nurse at the home?

The rapport continuity of care. I spent five days a week with residents, staff and families. I get more time with the mentioned people than with my own mum – of course you form a bond. There is never a dull moment, and always a lot of laughter.

What would you say is most challenging about being a nurse?

Honestly there just aren't enough hours in the day! Your brain constantly has 100 tabs open. It's very difficult to switch off some days, worried you've missed something.

There are a lot of challenges working as a nurse, we’ve heard them all. Without challenges, there is no growth, so I welcome the tough times.  If they allow me to grow as a Clinician and/or person, then they're worth it.

Do you have a special memory from your nursing career so far?

Spending time with residents as they approach the end of their lives.  It's an honour to be a part of the dying process. To be with someone as they leave this life is a privilege not many can say they've had. We are trusted, as strangers, to keep loved ones comfortable in their final days - that's pretty special.

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